The Scenes of Life — Exam 5
by Albert Huisjen
Study the lesson carefully before answering the exam questions.
Select True or False after each of the following statements. Then fill in the proper Scripture reference where indicated.
1. The Old Testament prophets on the one hand speak of Messiah as having antemundane existence, and on the other, as being embodied in human form.
2. The prophet Micah gives us the first clue as to how the embodiment of Messiah was to be effected.
3. The conception of Messiah was to have something in common with the conception of Isaac.
4. The new Testament account of the conception of the virgin's son obviously relates to the clue in Isaiah 7:14 respecting Messiah's embodiment.
5. Regarding the conception of Isaac, the son of Abraham, and the conception of the virgin's son, assurance was given that this would be effected by the overshadowing of God.
6. King David told his sons that the tribe of Judah would remain intact unto the coming of Messiah.
7. One particular chapter in Daniel identifies the time of Messiah's coming quite closely to say the least.
8. Although several of the Old Testament prophets speak of Messiah and His coming, only Daniel identifies him directly by name.
Optional Question: Note:
Review the last paragraph of your lesson, entitled Summation, which reads as follows:
So, with this introductory lesson as background, we posit that the Bible on the one hand gives immutable evidence that it is indeed what it claims to be, the inspired Word of God; and on the other hand, the infallible rule by which to measure the credibility of those who supposedly are its proponents.
Now use the box below to give your reaction to this paragraph.
Please feel free to submit your questions or prayer requests in the box below.