Resources on the Christian Gospel and the Doctrine of Salvation
Narrated, concise PPT that outlines what the Bible has to say about us as people, God as, well, God, and how we can go from "evil inside" to "Jesus inside." It's all about gifts, love, and grace, and probably a lot less complicated than what you've been led to believe.
This article begins with a brief summary that explains the dynamics and the “why” of God’s plan for saving mankind from his fallen state. Following this summary are quotations from relevant Bible passages along with limited comments to help the reader put the verses into a meaningful context.
Why an awareness of sin is always to our spiritual advantage.
The biblical gospel is salvation by grace alone to eternal life as glorified creatures; the Mormon gospel is exaltation to godhood through grace and works.
The Bottom-Line Guide to Mormonism, Part 8
The Bottom-Line Guide to Mormonism, Part 9
The Bottom-Line Guide to Mormonism, Part 16