The Scenes of Life — Exam 2
by Albert Huisjen
Study the lesson carefully before answering the exam questions.
Select True or False after each of the following statements. Then fill in the proper Scripture reference where indicated.
1. When Adam was called by God in the garden of Eden, he was not aware that anything was wrong except that he was naked.
2. Adam's disobedience to God's command had little or no effect on his posterity.
3. That God took Enoch unto Himself while yet alive gave early evidence of a continuation of life in "the great beyond."
4. If it were not for God's grace, Noah and his family would have lost their lives in the flood.
5. Abraham is called the father of believers because he took God at His word respecting the promises and acted upon them.
6. There was nothing unusual about Isaac's birth because Abraham and Sarah were in the prime of life when he was born.
7. Although the Israelites had solemnly promised to do all that the Lord God had commanded, it soon became apparent that there was not the heart in them to keep their promise.
8. While Moses was on the mountain to receive God's law, the people began to worship an idol deity.
9. Moses became angry with the people for worshipping an idol and wished that God would consume them.
10. God revealed Himself to Moses as being merciful and gracious, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin.
Optional Question: Note:
Review the last paragraph of your lesson, entitled Summation, which reads as follows:
This Bible lesson in effect places us squarely before the selfsame question that God put to Adam when his sin has found him out. "Adam where art thou?" This soul-searching question, as it were, says to you and me, "Son of Adam, where are you not? Look around and see that the wickedness of man is great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts in his heart is only evil continually. And look within and see that there is not such a heart in you to fear God and keep His commandments always. Be therefore believing, as was Abraham, that it may go well with you."
Now use the box below to give your reaction to this paragraph.
Please feel free to submit your questions or prayer requests in the box below.