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Learning About Jesus — Lesson 4

Learning About Jesus — Lesson 4

Our Peace

Jesus knew that the prophets of earlier times had written about him. One of those prophets was Isaiah, who lived about 700 years before Jesus was born. Isaiah, writing the message that God had given him, explained why it was that the Messiah should die. Here is part of what Isaiah wrote.


"Surely he took up our infirmities
and carried our sorrows,
yet we considered him stricken by God,
smitten by him, and afflicted.
But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him,
and by his wounds we are healed.
We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
each of us has turned to his own way;
and the Lord has laid on him
the iniquity of us all."
Isaiah 53:4-6


1. According to this prophecy of Isaiah, whose sorrows did Jesus carry?


2. For whose transgressions was he pierced?


3. Who are described as being like lost sheep?


4. Who have turned from God’s path?


5. According to Isaiah’s prophecy, what happens as the result of Jesus’ wounds?


This passage from Isaiah talks about sin and punishment. It also describes God’s way of bringing us healing and peace. Here are two personal questions for you to think about.

6. As you look over your own life, would you agree that you have committed transgressions which merit God’s punishment and which disturb your peace with God?


7. Do you believe that Jesus’ death was God’s loving plan to bring you peace?


Go to Lesson 5